The first pic is of my second day in Bogota. When it rains, it really rains and the streets turn into rivers.
The third image is of Daniel (pastor libni´s older brother). He is sort of like an associate pastor. He teaches classes in the evening. He has a passion for starting a business that will help pay for the orphanage and other ministries in the community.
The second pic is of the youth leaders in the church, who are preparing crafts and making signs for the upcoming youth retriet, which is going to be on some finca outside of Bogota. When I walked in they said I wasn´t supposed to be there because it was a surprise but due to language and cultural barrier, I thought they were joking, and helped them anyways. oops
the fourth pic is of Oscar (the church musician and overall handy-man) He is perhaps one of the genuinely nice guys I have ever met. The other guy (not the devilishly good looking one in the middle) is Alfredo (the church drummer). He also has become a good friend. And he likes soccer which is a plus.
The fifth image is of Natalia (pastor libni´s wife), who meets with all the women in the church and is really looked up to for her strong faith. There is a huge percent of sexual assault and she spends a good amount of her time counciling victims
. Notice the quality office space, ha ha.
The last pic is of the building that the church wants to buy-rent. The church is the building to the left. It has possibly 6 rooms in which we could hold 24 girls. However, the owner doesn´t want to sell it, only rent it. This would be a huge blessing if he would sell it us at a good price.
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